CPAT Distribution, Inc.

Welcome to CPAT Distribution, Inc.

CPAT Distribution, Inc. is a proud distributor of the Ceiling Breach and Pull machine, Forcible Entry Machine, and Calibration Unit, as well as the Portable Stand for the Forcible Entry Machine. All other testing itens are competitively priced, with our bulk discount passed on to your department.

About Us

About Us
CPAT Distribution caters to individuals and Fire Departments of all sizes. Our company enables Fire Departments to purchase equipment from a single source with just one purchase order.

Proctor Training

We offer Proctor Training and Course Validation at a daily rate. All course lengths, distances, and prop construction are checked to ensure CPAT course is in full compliance with CPAT manual.

CPAT Products

CPAT Products
CPAT Distribution, Inc. is your one-stop source for all C.P.A.T. – related equipment. We offer a wide variety of products as well as a full line of space-saving fitness equipment for your department.